Maguire Iron Company LLC

Letters and Numbers

Pictured in Dull Black finish

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Letters and numbers are supplied in the following heights: 2", 3", 4", and 6". Letters range the full alphabet in upper case only, plus the punctuation marks "full stop" (period) and "comma." Arabic numbers range from 0 to 9. The blanket article number for all numbers, letters, and pedestals is 1979 followed by a description of the item and its size.

Our letters and numbers are made of solid metal, and can be applied to any flat surface either directly or raised with pedestals. Standard brass pedestals are 1" long with wood screws of appropriate length. Pedestal diameter varies with size of letters and numbers. Pedestals may be painted to match the color of the building.



1979 Letter A, 4" tall

1979 Letter B, 4" tall

1979 Letter C, 4" tall

1979 Ampersand, 4" tall

1979 Number 1, 4" tall

1979 Number 2, 4" tall

1979 Number 3, 4" tall